Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy applies to: (i) our website at (the “Website”) operated by ScaleWith, Inc. (“ScaleWith,” “we,” “our,” or “us”); (ii) the ScaleWith Software (the “Software”); (iii) the services we offer (collectively, the “Services”); and (iv) includes data managed in HTML 5 local storage for users of the Software.

  1. Our Use of Cookies and Local Storage. We use cookies and HTML5 local storage as set out in our Privacy Policy, available at
  2. Categories of Cookies/Local Storage We May Use. We may use the following categories of data on our Website:
  1. Strictly Necessary. We may use cookies and/or local storage that are strictly necessary for providing our Services. These include authentication tokens that help us prevent fraudulent activities on our Website.
  2. Performance / Analytical.  We may use cookies for purposes of assessing the performance of our Services, such as by gathering information about how many visitors use our Website or Software and how they navigate around it. These cookies help us identify issues so that we can continually improve our Services.
  3. Functionality. We may use cookies or local storage that allows us to enhance the functionality of our Services. For example, this data may enable us to keep track of the items you access on our Software or Website and to remember your preferences the next time you access our Services.
  4. Targeting / Advertising. We may use cookies that help us determine which content or advertising may be relevant to your interests. We may also use this information to assess the performance of our marketing activities.
  1. Data We Use for Our Services. We use the following data for our Services:

Data Type



User Login Details


120 days from login

Access Token (from authentication)



  1. How to Manage Cookies and Local Storage. You may choose to refuse or accept cookies from our Website by adjusting the settings of your browser. Please visit for more information on how you can disable some or all cookies and/or local storage. If you choose to decline all cookies and local storage, you may not be able to use all or certain portions of our Services or features on our Website that depend on the use of cookies.

Contact. If you have any questions about this Cookie Policy or the Services, please contact us. You may contact us, for any reason, at