Work Smarter, Win More with An AI Worker on Your Side

Social Impact Copilot™ is a cutting-edge Gen AI tool designed for sales, marketing, customer success, and procurement teams. Achieve more with less effort and stand out in crowded, competitive markets. Differentiate your business and create new value for your customers while driving impactful results.

| Trusted to deliver impact

Stand Out, Win Deals & Drive Change with Copilot

Imagine turning the social impact data in your systems into brilliant, actionable insights.

Say hello to Social Impact Copilot, the GenAI tool that’s about to revolutionize how your sales, marketing, customer success, and procurement teams operate.

What's in it for you? 

Shine Bright in Crowded Markets
Let’s be real
– standing out is everything. Here’s how Social Impact Copilot makes you the star of the show:

Personalized Campaigns
Craft campaigns that speak directly to your audience's hearts.

Effortless Outreach
Generate personalized messages faster than you can say "done."

Impactful Presentations
Create slides that make your social impact story unforgettable.
and so much more!

Use Data No One Else Has
Tap into unique data that sets you apart. Understand what matters most to the companies you’re courting. Enrich your CRM with this treasure trove to:

Connect with precision and flair.

Prove that partnering with you means supporting the causes that matter to their customers and their business.

Let AI Do the Heavy Lifting
Social Impact Copilot is like a helpful AI worker, making it ridiculously easy to add value to every proposal. Show customers and investors that working with you means contributing to causes that count. This boosts:

- Media Buzz
- Customer Loyalty
- Positive Change in the World
- ROI & Value Creation

Ditch the Old Playbook
Forget the usual discounts and gimmicks. With Social Impact Copilot, you’ve got the smarts and the speed to make a real difference. It’s a whole new way to win business and do good – fast.

Ready to Make Waves?
Get on the accelerated path to success with Social Impact Copilot and start transforming your business and the world.

It’s your time to shine.

Marketing & PR

Create personalized campaigns & Messaging in minutes


Start Conversations & Build Deeper Relationships


Drive new sources
of value creation

Discover Social Impact Copilot™ for Salesforce

What ScaleWith Customers Say

“Social Impact Copilot has delivered on the expectations we were promised during the sales process. It has enabled our marketing and sales teams to know when and how to rely on the AI to create smarter ways to connect with our customers on doing business with values at the center of every deal. This has helped us build trust with our customers in a way we were not able to in the past.”

CEO, Digital & Cloud Consultancy

Try it Now,

See why leading businesses trust Social Impact Copilot™ to turn CSR from a cost center into a profit driver.


Get answers to frequently asked questions about Social Impact Copilot™

What is Social Impact Copilot™?

Social Impact Copilot™ is a free tool built on OpenAI for sales, marketing, customer succes, and procurement teams. It helps them ideate and generate content using ScaleWith's social impact data in minutes.

How does Social Impact Copilot™️ work?

Social Impact Copilot™️ works with ScaleWith’s Social Impact AI platform. It gathers data from multiple sources, including information on cause areas, social impact programs, and partnerships.

Why use Social Impact Copilot™?

Social Impact Copilot™ helps businesses see how to integrate social impact into their strategies and the value that comes with it. It also helps them ideate, create compelling messaging, and have the expertise of a social impact AI worker on their team.

How much does Social Impact Copilot™ cost?

Social Impact Copilot™ is free. It’s a first step to seeing how social impact can be infused into your business strategy to drive value and differentiation.