Our Biggest Problems Have a Funding Gap.
Here's How to Close It.

Climate change, poverty, education gaps... these challenges are huge, and the traditional way we fund solutions (taxes, philanthropy) just isn't cutting it. It's a scarcity mindset, leaving businesses and governments scrambling for crumbs.

But what if social impact could be a profit engine?

Turn social impact from a cost center into a revenue generator.

“ScaleWith, and by extension the Social Value Economic construct, represents a potential breakthrough in creating business models that create social and environmental benefit by integrating social and environmental impact as a component of transactions.”
Todd Cort & Cary Krosinsky

Yale Initiative on Sustainable Finance

“The Social Value Economics construct is one of the most innovative ideas I have come across in the social impact space, and indeed, one with the potential to achieve meaningful social impact at scale.”
Ioannis Ioannou

Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship for London Business School

“The Cort/Krosinky paper described a new model of gaining a sustainable and scalable financing source for addressing the wicked problems of our times.  Social Value Economics argues against the existing model of scarcity, where society and business are in a zero-sum game.  Scarcity leads to a belief that society and the environment only benefit at a direct cost to business and wealth.  Using ScaleWith as the originator of this new theory, Social Value Economics inserts society into every business transaction with a win-win for everyone involved.”
Adlai Wertman, David C. Bohnett

Professor of Social Entrepreneurship & Founding Director of the USC Marshall Brittingham Social Enterprise Lab

“There’s a multi-trillion-dollar funding gap to achieve all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. From poverty and inequality, to climate change and world hunger, our social and environmental challenges pose an existential risk to everyone, and businesses are certainly not immune. That’s the beauty of Social Value Economics—it’s designed with the needs of our communities, the planet, and businesses all in mind. Paul Polizzotto has unlocked a remarkable opportunity at a time when the world desperately needs it.”
David Choi

Professor of Entrepreneurship and Director of the Fred Kiesner Center for Entrepreneurship at Loyola Marymount University

“In a time when we need to take urgent action to achieve a better and more sustainable future, it is of paramount importance to rethink the role of business and explore new models of corporate sustainability. The ScaleWith platform, based on the Social Value Economic construct, is a great example of an innovative and sustainable business model that can offer businesses the opportunity of making a real impact with every single business transaction, with a material alignment of CSR initiatives to business strategies.”
Paolo Taticchi

Professor (Education) in Strategy and Sustainability & Deputy Director (MBA and International) at University College London (UCL) School of Management

Social Value Economics flips the script.

Instead of being a cost center (think "Sustainability budgets"), social impact becomes a sales powerhouse.

Shorter sales cycles, higher win rates. Customers are drawn to businesses that make a difference.
Less waste, more profit. Ditch tired tactics like endless discounts. Social impact is the new differentiator.
A funding revolution. We're talking $100 trillion unlocked from everyday transactions, not scraps from the bottom of the barrel.

This isn't charity. It's smart business. Social Value Economics isn't about handouts. It's a whole new way to generate funding for the causes we care about, separate from existing budgets.

Imagine the impact.
A future where every transaction drives positive change. That's the power of Social Value Economics.

Ready to join the movement?
ScaleWith provides the tools to make it happen. Let's build a better world, one profitable transaction at a time. Because good business shouldn't cost the planet (or your bottom line). 

Get a ScaleWith demo.

Turn Social Impact into Your Competitive Advantage

Rethink ROI: How Social Impact Can Boost Your Bottom Line

“ScaleWith, and by extension the Social Value Economic construct, represents a potential breakthrough in creating business models that create social and environmental benefit by integrating social and environmental impact as a component of transactions.”
Todd Cort & Cary Krosinsky

Yale Initiative on Sustainable Finance

“The Social Value Economics construct is one of the most innovative ideas I have come across in the social impact space, and indeed, one with the potential to achieve meaningful social impact at scale.”
Ioannis Ioannou

Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship for London Business School

“The Cort/Krosinky paper described a new model of gaining a sustainable and scalable financing source for addressing the wicked problems of our times.  Social Value Economics argues against the existing model of scarcity, where society and business are in a zero-sum game.  Scarcity leads to a belief that society and the environment only benefit at a direct cost to business and wealth.  Using ScaleWith as the originator of this new theory, Social Value Economics inserts society into every business transaction with a win-win for everyone involved.”
Adlai Wertman, David C. Bohnett

Professor of Social Entrepreneurship & Founding Director of the USC Marshall Brittingham Social Enterprise Lab

“There’s a multi-trillion-dollar funding gap to achieve all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. From poverty and inequality, to climate change and world hunger, our social and environmental challenges pose an existential risk to everyone, and businesses are certainly not immune. That’s the beauty of Social Value Economics—it’s designed with the needs of our communities, the planet, and businesses all in mind. Paul Polizzotto has unlocked a remarkable opportunity at a time when the world desperately needs it.”
David Choi

Professor of Entrepreneurship and Director of the Fred Kiesner Center for Entrepreneurship at Loyola Marymount University

“In a time when we need to take urgent action to achieve a better and more sustainable future, it is of paramount importance to rethink the role of business and explore new models of corporate sustainability. The ScaleWith platform, based on the Social Value Economic construct, is a great example of an innovative and sustainable business model that can offer businesses the opportunity of making a real impact with every single business transaction, with a material alignment of CSR initiatives to business strategies.”
Paolo Taticchi

Professor (Education) in Strategy and Sustainability & Deputy Director (MBA and International) at University College London (UCL) School of Management

“ScaleWith’s construct is one of the most innovative ideas I’ve come across in the social impact space, and indeed, one with the potential to achieve meaningful social impact at scale.”
Ioannis Ioannou

Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship for London Business School

“Increasingly, our clients are seeking verifiable strategies to measure and report their ESG and social impact commitments. Through ScaleWith, we are looking to embed sustainability and social impact programs in our customer engagements as a strategic investment to drive a common ESG agenda.”
Shailendra Agrawal

EVP and US business head, Coforge

“ScaleWith (formerly Givewith) is one of the most interesting and fast scaling, most impactful technology companies that's ever existed. The social impact inside of ScaleWith improves the overall business performance: allows a business to grow faster, makes their employees happier, allows them to hire cheaper. It does so much to make a business succeed.”
Roger Premo

General Manager Corporate Strategy, IBM

“We see real opportunity in collaborating with our customers on the values we share, to make things happen in the real world that benefit society, our environment and our brand.”

Director, Social Impact, Dell

“Sellers are always looking for differentiators to give them a competitive edge. Social impact has the potential to provide this edge.”

SVP, F 500 Corporation

“This is what every procurement department and company should be doing.”

Chief Procurement Officer, F 500 Corporation

“The ScaleWith team gave us a more efficient way to shape our impact in STEM, drive awareness four new brand family at Dell Technologies and hit our advertising objectives. They delivered beautiful content, fantastic results and were easy to work with.”

Director, Global Brand Campaigns, Dell

“By harnessing the power and creativity of ScaleWith's storytelling effort we're thrilled to bring this moving story and its impactful message to new audiences.”

SVP, Corporate Relations, Allstate

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“Contra exceeded our expectations in every way. From the initial planning stages to the final walkthrough, their dedication to quality was evident. Our dream home wouldn't have been possible without them.”
asian men with hands crossed
Cheyenne Donin

Visitor, Curator

“Contra exceeded our expectations in every way. From the initial planning stages to the final walkthrough, their dedication to quality was evident. Our dream home wouldn't have been possible without them.”
Angel Bergson

Visitor, Curator

“Contra exceeded our expectations in every way. From the initial planning stages to the final walkthrough, their dedication to quality was evident. Our dream home wouldn't have been possible without them.”
Erin Baptista

Visitor, Curator

